Refreshing in their distinctive boldness and simplicity, these Modern Relics defy Father Time as they tell a story about outlasting an era. Driving along you may notice their rusting metal framework, peeling paint, and neon lights that burnt out long ago, yet even though time has passed them by, they have become even more interesting and poignant. Despite their fading presence, these relics still exert a strong cultural significance in their beauty and splendor.
They echo the ideals of the mid-century and its fascination with motion, space, and the car culture. Their design characteristics are unique, unpretentious, and radiate a fresh aesthetic of diagonals, stylized arrows, and atomic starburst patterns that characterize a time when anything seemed possible.
It has been refreshing in our current period of predictable uniformity and cynicism to find these symbols that project the idea of a bright future with great promise. I invite you to experience these iconic remnants and take a moment to welcome their vitality and optimism.
*The series Modern Relics was selected as a Critical Mass Finalist